Just Right
Goldilocks tried out bowls of porridge, chairs and beds, to find the ones that were just right.

Inspiration Found in Relationships
My artist statement has drifted this way and that over the years, but one thing remains the same.People Together. Relationship.

Cat Fights and Tornados
Does planning relate to creating artwork? Yes. Does planning relate to marketing artwork? Yes. One must plan to succeed. One has to show up and do the work. And, just like the planning for a big party, the ideas are conceived and nurtured, the setting repaired and weeded.

How Small? How Big?
The size of a project makes a difference.You might have to get a riding lawn mower! Buy lots of trowels, so the kids can help with the weeding! Budget more than one quick weekend to paint the house!

Seasons of Life
There are a bunch of seasons of life- family related- young to old- with and without pets, that ARE the subject of my artwork.

Pendulum Swinging
Politics also go through a seasonal cycle, but instead of the sweet and nurturing circle we experience within seasons of the year, political climates are right and left, pendulum swinging back and forth.