Art Record
Several years ago I set about, with the help of my organized librarian cousin, to compile an art record of all the pieces I had created for the last 50 plus years. It is a chronological list and a set of images.

Just Right
Goldilocks tried out bowls of porridge, chairs and beds, to find the ones that were just right.

Put Yourself Out There
You won't get into the show unless you enter the show. You won't meet new people unless you expand your activities and try new things. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Not a waste of time
I meet each week with artist friends, to share our lives and discuss art related stuff. We call it Tuesday Morning Art Coffee. Some people stay one hour and some people stay 2 or more hours.

Cat Fights and Tornados
Does planning relate to creating artwork? Yes. Does planning relate to marketing artwork? Yes. One must plan to succeed. One has to show up and do the work. And, just like the planning for a big party, the ideas are conceived and nurtured, the setting repaired and weeded.

Powerful Habits
Those boring and powerful habits. The bed time routine started in a timely manner, really does help me go to sleep. Cleaning the studio between projects, really does get me excited about the next project.