Seasons of Life
"To every time there is a season, a time to live, a time to die" ---or something similar to this. And also the bit about under heaven. This sentiment makes it's way into wedding vows and sympathy cards.A time to get hip replacement (modern miracle)A time to breast feed your newborn baby non-stop ( time to burn the rice (Rats!)A time to find new bras (or attempt it - Yug!)A time to practice your music (on a loop in your brain while falling asleep)These things will not make it into my artwork. I promise! However, there are a bunch of seasons of life- family related- young to old- with and without pets, that ARE the subject of my artwork. I love showing humans in relationship with eachother and their environment. And I prefer to focus on the positive interactions rather than the devisive ones. In each of the three interpretations of SEASONS, (weather, politics, and life stages) the act of paying attention and listening is a key component. The length of the day, the tone of an email exchange, listening to grandpa's long story, the quality of the air, and the delight of baby's response to a peek-a-boo game .... each make a difference, nudging our lives this way and that. Even when we aren't paying attention to current trends or the weather, we are in it anyway, and a piece of a whole, always changing, day to day.
I choose images that are non judgemental and universal. People are making connections of the non digital sort, with real sun and air, time and place. I have the luxury of responding in real time to this flow of stuff - the clean water as well as the bits of trash. Because I am insulated from most of the horrific stuff, I am floating on top in a safe boat. So my perspective is mostly detached observation.
Easy Cauliflower Salad: Break up cauliflower into chunks and place in bowl of water. Remove and place on clean towels. Pat dry. Cut up cauliflower into small bite size pieces and put in a bowl. Add feta cheese and dried cranberries. Add olive oil and a generous amount of freshly squeezed lime juice. Toss and serve soon or hold until later. Top with unsalted roasted seeds (sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds). The quanities of ingredients are variable. If you want to leave out the feta just add some salt. Optional stuff- chopped cilantro, parseley, and celery.