Art Plus Location
I sometimes create Contemporary Quilt Art for a specific location. When I ship off a completed commission for a unique space, I think about whether it will indeed add something good to that location.

Inspiration Found in Relationships
My artist statement has drifted this way and that over the years, but one thing remains the same.People Together. Relationship.

Powerful Habits
Those boring and powerful habits. The bed time routine started in a timely manner, really does help me go to sleep. Cleaning the studio between projects, really does get me excited about the next project.

Seasons of Life
There are a bunch of seasons of life- family related- young to old- with and without pets, that ARE the subject of my artwork.

Pendulum Swinging
Politics also go through a seasonal cycle, but instead of the sweet and nurturing circle we experience within seasons of the year, political climates are right and left, pendulum swinging back and forth.

Quilts are cozy
Fabric is tactile, nurturing and comforting; it’s the perfect medium to express themes that are also tactile, nurturing and comforting.