Not a waste of time
I meet each week with artist friends, to share our lives and discuss art related stuff. We call it Tuesday Morning Art Coffee. Some people stay one hour and some people stay 2 or more hours. We occasionally talk about flooded basements, food allergies, or dividing the daisies, but usually we stick pretty close to all things ART.At first glance it may seem like this is an incredible indulgence and also a waste of time. (Good grief! I have so much to do! Yikes.) It probably is an indulgence, given the amount of joy one can get from tea and a cupcake. But it is not a waste of time. The ideas and nuturing that circulate amoungst us is such a positive thing, and we are very fortunate for it. Most artists don't have this sort of support group, resource, critique, play day people, and road trip buddies in their lives.How many people show up for this gathering? Sometimes 3 people and sometimes 9. Conversation examples:How did you like the workshop?I've been reading this book. I really like it.What did you get done this week?What was the most important take away for you?Here are my favorite photos from the trip.Where did you get that awesome pen?I'm thinking of using this image. I will edit out the man and the car.This looks like a good show for you to enter.The water color group art reception is this friday at 6pm.Do you think I should stick with figurative art, or do something new?Ooooooo --- Can I look at your art book?You gotta get out and see Mark's show. It's amazing!I've been avoiding my studio. What do I do about it?You should talk to the Art Director about your ideas.I made a lot of progress cleaning my studio. yeah!What do you think? Is this perspective too weird?
If you don't have a group like this and wish you did, then start one. It only take two. Find the other people that love to garden or cook or bike or felt or read. Meeting in person is so much better than sitting in front of the TV or computer! (Talking to your spouse in person is also excellent). Recipe for Moraccan Quinoa- Cook 1 1/2 c. (this is the dry measure) quinoa and set aside. In a large pot, saute 1/2 of a yellow onion chopped, 2 or more cups snow peas cut in half, 8 or more cups chopped chard (or spinach). After vegetables are mostly cooked, add 1/2 t. cumin seeds, 1 t. Moroccan seasoning, 1/4 t. tumeric, salt and pepper. Stir together and add 1/2 c. water. Cover with the lid and simmer another minute. Serve over cooked quinoa and top with 3 T. yogurt or sour cream.