Put Yourself Out There
You won't get into the show unless you enter the show. You won't meet new people unless you expand your activities and try new things. Yeah, yeah, I know. And here's two more - You won't get the job unless you apply. You won't find something lost, unless you go looking for it.Wouldn't it be great, if like some movies, our talent was magically discovered? Our artwork is shown at the best New York gallery and all of it sells! Rave reviews! Big bucks! Our name is known and tweeted!You might be discovered , but usually it happens after a rediculous amount of practice, over years, and repeatedly putting yourself out there... You mean, I must enter the show more than once? I must show up for work, each day?It might be, that even though you managed the tedious work of entering your artwork, it didn't get in! Dog Gone It! Or words to that affect. "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again." Don't you agree that the tune that goes with these words is very perky and upbeat?
It is useful to adopt a toddler's outlook on falling over. No big deal. A child does not agonize,
evaluate, second guess, or feel victomized by the juror. She just keeps on practicing. Each day is an adventure! Give your toddler- self permission, to be curious, resilient, observant, and hungry. Meatloaf Soup: Dice 2 c. carrots, stir with a little oil, and spread out on a baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove and set aside. Thaw 2 c. frozen peas by putting them in luke warm water. Drain and set aside. Make meatloaf: preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl combine one lb. buffalo burger (or hamburger), 3/4 c. tomato sauce, 1 egg, 1/2 c. oats, 1/2 t. onion powder, 3/4 t. salt, 1/4 t. pepper and 1 t. fennel seed. Press mixture into a round glass pie plate and bake for 35 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes. Combine 1 c. tomato sauce and 2c. beef broth and warm up in a pan. Mix together peas and carrots. Cut meatloaf into 8 sections. In each soup bowl place one section of meatloaf, 1/3 c. of peas and carrots, and 3/4 c. of hot broth mixture. (There is enough stuff for 4 servings. There will be left over meatloaf.)