Art Plus Location
I sometimes create Contemporary Quilt Art for a specific location. When I ship off a completed commission for a unique space, I think about whether it will indeed add something good to that location.

Weed Sort Plan
This blog is part two of a discussion about photographs. Do they bring you joy?

Which Path is Best?
The future is unknown, and therefore not a sure thing. Do we proceed with caution, or take a bold leap of faith? At the end of this blog (after a Sowada recipe), there are a list of the conflicting words of wisdom we have grown up with. Most lean towards being careful. But first, I will describe what BOLD looks like.

Cat Fights and Tornados
Does planning relate to creating artwork? Yes. Does planning relate to marketing artwork? Yes. One must plan to succeed. One has to show up and do the work. And, just like the planning for a big party, the ideas are conceived and nurtured, the setting repaired and weeded.

How Small? How Big?
The size of a project makes a difference.You might have to get a riding lawn mower! Buy lots of trowels, so the kids can help with the weeding! Budget more than one quick weekend to paint the house!

Harder than arranging the towels
Salon style means lots of artwork hung close together top to bottom and side to side. The idea is to balance out the visual weight of the TV with the artwork behind it.

Is it Good Artwork?
Because there are so many styles of art, intention is important to consider. When taking part in a critique of art, the mechanics and theory are the things that one comments most on. They are the things that are taught in art classes.