Using again in a new way
Recycling is not just for plastic, cardboard, and newspaper. The concept of using something again, in a new way, can be applied to many parts of our life, from letter writing, to baby toys, to recipes, to artwork.Cousing Janet has taken the Facebook concept share photos and stories and redirected it to a letter format. These are easily shared with very old relatives, the kind who do not own computers and smart phones. It's not as fast as Facebook, but we know that the photos and stories are recieved at the other end.An array of smallish objects and receptacles, reused, make highly interesting baby toys for a young one who is riveted to the in and out concept and the lids that fit and are removed.I recycled the idea of the greasy part of one recipe (crab unstuffed mushrooms) and applied it to experiments using Sun Chokes (also called Jeruselem Artichokes). This is a perennial vegetable that can grow in the challenging conditions of Gillette Wyoming, and therefore will be planted come Spring. In the meantime ... recipes that are acceptable, and this particular recycled idea was a huge hit.
Quilting was born out of recycling. The 'medium' of garments, feed sacks, curtains, dishtowels, etc.. were given new life. The possibilities for recycling are endless, and in the modern world an artist might choose some unusual paper, plastic, and metal to add to a "quilt". I myself stick to fabric, but love to use what I have in new ways, and delight in the contrasting combinations of new and old things used together. I recently cut the embroidery flowers off my tattered soft sleeping shirt and used them straight away in an art quilt I was making for my son's living room tall wall.Is there something in your life that could be recycled? A favorite color palette or theme? Perhaps it is an (old) new way of organizing a task (like using a paper calendar, perhaps?) Is there an (old) new way of enjoying your day off? Talking with someone? Getting a good night's sleep?My husband supports recycling, but would prefer that the cardboard not take over the spare room! He also pointed out the insignificant dent that recycling makes when held up next to ... the negative carbon footprint of one flight in a jet. That's all true, but I do it anyway.The artwork posted in this blog show old and new fabrics used side by side. In the kitchen, I specialize in using the leftovers. Accessible and delicious!
And here's that greasy recipe you might enjoy.Crab Unstuffed Mushrooms: In a pan, saute diced vegetables in this order, (in butter) - onion, celery, bell pepper, mushrooms. When mostly cooked add drained small can of crab meat and a bit of dill (fresh or dry). Dot top with 1/2 t. bits of cream cheese and then with slices of pepper jack cheese. Put lid on pan and let cheese melt before serving.Sun Choke adaptation: Use sun choke instead of mushrooms. Omit crab.