Radical Pruning
My radical pruning happened outside the house. I took a deeper look and, with knee pads and sun hat on, and armed with sharpened clippers, really went to town on the dead wood!

Just Right
Goldilocks tried out bowls of porridge, chairs and beds, to find the ones that were just right.

Weed Sort Plan
This blog is part two of a discussion about photographs. Do they bring you joy?

Cat Fights and Tornados
Does planning relate to creating artwork? Yes. Does planning relate to marketing artwork? Yes. One must plan to succeed. One has to show up and do the work. And, just like the planning for a big party, the ideas are conceived and nurtured, the setting repaired and weeded.

A day in the life- mid August
Summer time has less of a get-into-the-studio-and-begin-working protocol and more of a which-garden-do-I-work-in-today protocol. The work of the garden is really the same as the work of the art studio.

Cleaning the Closet (Refrigerator, Studio, BookShelf, Shed)
I am often heard saying "Use what you have." I am pretty good at practicing what I preach. I design new garden beds with easy to move perennials in mind, those already in other beds and ready to thin.