Radical Pruning
My radical pruning happened outside the house. I took a deeper look and, with knee pads and sun hat on, and armed with sharpened clippers, really went to town on the dead wood!

Just Right
Goldilocks tried out bowls of porridge, chairs and beds, to find the ones that were just right.

What to do next?
There are some big questions about what to do next, but there are the simple prioritize-my-time sort as well.

At the Art Reception
When I attend an Art Reception, I usually seek out the company of another artist, preferably to sit one on one in a quiet corner.The patrons are OK too, but the conversations differ. I have thankfully out grown the extreme shyness of my youth. It is no longer impossible or painful to talk to new people about my artwork.

The weather promises to change
I am entertained by asking those in-the-now questions: How does this day feel? How does it smell? What are the dominant colors and textures? What would I like to say about that?I am interested in taking a longer look at Seasons Seasons Seasons.

A day in the life- mid August
Summer time has less of a get-into-the-studio-and-begin-working protocol and more of a which-garden-do-I-work-in-today protocol. The work of the garden is really the same as the work of the art studio.

Seasonal Artist and Late Bloomer
Creating artwork can be done any time of year. Pay attention to what works for you and guard your studio time.